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Module 4

frame vs field

M4_Illustrator_Template (1) notation.PNG

Zoe in the story is a city having a deficiency of signs and difference. I t is an existence that mingled from outside to inside and indivisible through observation fromk the very beginning of the story, before the traveller arrived at Zoe, his imagination towards this new city constructed a basic landscape in his mind, Based on his preconceived idea that each man bears a city only consist of difference in mind. The traveller tries to copy those cities that he has already been to this new one. But when he finally arrived here he finds out a totally new and unique city plan in Zoe, buildings in this city have no special signs for the traveller to recognise the function, peoples here like kings and merchants or even peasants live together which shows there is no social class difference. The structure of Zoe is mingled, there is no difference physically or socially exist here, thus it is an indivisible integration.   

M4_Illustrator_Template (1) buiding.png

Rebuild city linework

The notation I used in the city is related to the narrative of the story as the traveller roams around Zoe, characters movement and atmosphere conveyed through the notations. At the beginning of his arriving ta right side of the bottom corner where is the first perspective, his eye lost in the city as the city is hard to separate and recognized through signs and differences, so there is a doubt appeared in his mind which can be conveyed by the atmosphere i used at that part. He feels very confused about the environment and plan in the city, so he goes straight as the direction line shows in the city and just have a little gaze of the bath set in the middle part of the city as the delirium atmosphere appear ar the middle part, the people in the middle noticed traveller’s come and glance to the left sides of the city, but the traveller has no eye connection with them as his mind is full of confusing. After a while, he returned to another side of the scenes and gradually understand how the city work here, so his movement this time becomes lower and he roams around the city as the direction line crosses the whole city, he looked around the city through that glaze notation in the picture. He feels excited and delighted to see this unique city and this time he sees the middle bath again but a totally different emotion and atmosphere. 

Considering that Zoe is a city lack of signs and difference, I change the form of the floor to convey an idea that the city Zoe is fluctuant, changeable and various in structure and topography, based on this idea, the traditional signs of a city is broken as the grid line of the city disappeared, it can not be separated vertical or horizontal by the different structure in  the city. for the columns, I break the outside peripheric symmetry to enhance the mingled feeling and indivisibility of the city between the outside and the inside, I also delete some columns and roof to gain the communication that the atmosphere inside the city with outside environment, all of this aimed to create an indivisible and opened maze of city Zoe.    

M4_Illustrator_Template (1)withoutframe.

Notation linework

M4 perspective 02finale1.png

The first perspective shows the moment that the traveller first achieve the city Zoe, he feels confused about the fluctuant road and mingled structure of the city, he can not recognize the building in front of his eye is a odalisques’ baths or a leprosarium, everything in this city as he first see it is totally different from the concept of a city preconceived in his mind. To show this situation is a mingled composition of bath and feeling of death, I break the floor and columns and constructed a sunken floor at the right side of the perspective and add elements like water, steam, blood and wound to show this chaos place. characters here are also mingled as I put the women and men, child and old man in one bath, it also can be seen that its a place that life and death, happiness and pain exist together, thus the differences of gender and emotion is promiscuous.  the traveller feels confusing first and then become delirium after he sees those suffering people, under this form of the atmosphere filled with chaos, tension, and craze andhe can not understand what is going on here. the background is surrounded by the cloud and fog as it enhances the feeling of confusion and unknown especially the concept of mingling within the city.  

M4 perspective 01final.png

The second perspective indicates the situation when he turned back to the other side of the platform. After the perceiving of Zoe deposit in his mind, he gradually understands how this city exists within mingling and recognized the identity of Zoe. At that moment the author roams around the city again and gazed at what he missed when he first came here, by discovering special themes of this city, he feels excited to taste this city anew and finally integrated into Zoe. All the elements here form a normal form of a society but in an indivisible way. priest, merchant, peasant, philosophers, people from different class live together as mentioned in the story, A  lthough it is still a syncretic view this time more clearly presented under the structure of Zoe. the background is a city that mingled order and maze which enhanced city Zoe as an undistinguishable existence. 

M4_Illustrator_Template (1) notation.PNG


This module was the most fun to me. Since I often find myself lost in thoughts, being lost in the story was a cool experience, as well as using the available software and skill to make the perspectives come alive. The isometric drawing part led me to think about how much more complexity could one bring into the drawing, in the future when Architecture evolves even further. Truth is, it would definitely take my experiences to be able to optimize the way of presenting and representing information this way. However, it still thought me about how this drawing could speak its own language to viewers, ensuring it is comprehensible. It then goes back to the previous module, teaching me the ways of representations, I still, need more explorations and learning. When doing the perspectives, I felt that it was important to immerse myself or simulate an experience in the task given. In that way, it will have a better chance of creating a work that other people could relate to. There are times where a designer designed a home for a family, but the family didn't have that homely experience they wanted. Maybe because the designer was not able to immerse himself and relate to the family's story. I find it weird how an assignment like this could lead me to think about these. I'll try to cultivate a habit of reflecting more often.


I was thinking about all the unique interpretations of the same story assigned to other students. How theirs could be a totally different depiction from mine. And so, for instance, in an isometric drawing, how else could it be different from the norm? Just a random thought. I guess the next module is about that. It will be a chance to see all the various ways of compiling, presenting and representations of the assignments we did. Seeing what's new and how I could something to stand out. It is a good thing that we humans are programmed to compete to be the best. This way, we'll always evolve through time, allowing oneself to be better than yesterday.

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