Module 2
​flatness vs projection


Begin with this module, based on two Mario world image, I hand draw two elevations using axonometric method learned from the last module. Then having a brainstorm about the element will be used in this work, and also consider and arrange the world in mind. The drawing need to combine two images basically but show a variance in creativity for those areas have been blocked.

Initial elevation drawing 1
Initial elevation drawing2
Mario world drawing
Drawing process

Mario world linework
To continue with my drawing process, I used adobe illustrator to adjust my accuracy of the axonometric perspective, on the other side it also helps to have a clear overview of my work and have more opportunities to consider about adding details as my original scanned copy is set to low opacity in the background.

Tracing process
As the preparation of colouring my Mario world, it is practical to arrange that linework into the different group as it can help to manage and analyzing my Mario world more particularly. so there comes the idea of the layer, it can give the linework a different order as you arrange and present it in a different colour as you manage, although this considered to be the most complex step to complete my work, it is efficient as you colouring it afterwards

Mario world layer work

The final step to be completed in adobe illustrator is colouring which contributes 50percent completeness of the result in my perspective. the very first thing is to place a position of the light source of your Mario world in your mind. this helps you to create a real visual expression and promote your work from flatness into a perspective object. Then you have to identify a few main colours used in it which cannot be too complex but enough to show flexibility and accordance of colour based on those two images. Adding more details, there is plenty of tools in adobe illustrator like effect, shading, and gradual colour.
Mario world coloring work

From this exercise, I learned about the perception of flatness vs projection (2D vs 3D) and what determines them. In my own view, the Mario elevation communicates itself as neutral, flat information of the game. It is just there and I see it as it is. But to have an ability to view the world in a three dimensional way, that makes all the difference and suddenly, there is so much more being perceived in the same world, so much more is projected to me. It became a unique and personal experience to me when I viewed the Mario world in 3D. I believe everyone's perception would definitely be different from each other because it is, personal.
I enjoyed this exercise because I was able to give ideas and translate them into drawings as well as learning how to use new software such as Illustrator and InDesign. The introduction to Rhino 6 was interesting as well and a much better way to project designs in 3D compared to Google SketchUp. It has also allowed me to change and broaden my view. In future projects, I could try to approach design from a different angle and push my creative limits in search of better ideas.
I find that this idea of perception could be applied to so many things in life. Why should I see my world in 2 dimensions when I could see it at 3? Having an objective approach to design is necessary, but it is just as important as having your own subjective approach. The exercise gave me the opportunity to "explore". Explore the unknown, imagine, re-imagine and present it to the world. To solve issues through broader thinking, I feel that the module has enlightened me of aside from knowing the difference between flatness and projection.