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Module 3

surface vs pattern

dragonskin top.png

The very first step after I get my original terrain is to create the second grid which used to construct the pyramids based on the surface, in order to create the tendency of diving and flowing of change, I used point attractor to enhance the essential topography and curve attractor in ptshuffledgrid to create three skeletons to convey the pattern and adding more complexity. Additionally, the magnitude options within each command also play an important role to affect the extent of visual impact.  


List of commands
-Panelling Tools
 -Surface Domain Number

Layer for each command

Initial terrain 

Creat panelling grid

Point offseting


Attractive curve



custom geometry.png
Bounding Box.png

The most significant step of the all process is considered to be the 3Dpanelling which involved different types of modules that create personally. In this step, I create five different pyramid objects to reflect the idea of scales associated with the representation of diving movement. I try to maximum my creativity on construct complexity in details and general aesthetic under the limitation of the practical aspect.
For more stretching object there involved bounding box which set the domain of each little components’ base. It’s useful to practically manage your own custom and reduce the gap between two overstretching modules. Because the automated recognition of bounding box within the modelling process will cause the distortion of the base and create a gap which damage the developable surface.

Custom variation

Bounding box


The option in 3Dcustom variation provides us with selected opportunities to set the movement and enhance the complexity. It’s really creative and interesting to play with a different combination of each option and each module after you get along with Rhino 6. Based on the attractive curve I used primarily, there shows the arrangement of different modules setting within the whole terrain. The most simple module is set along with the middle skeleton and franking with more complex pyramid along to the corner. clearly, understand how different module lay in the terrain are very useful to manage your work and create a good foundation for unrolling which is easily get messy.


panel unrolling

The final step of the digital process and the beginning of the fabrication stage is model unroll. Based on the concept of developable surface in reading, using 2D paper to construct the 3D object, several commands involved in the process, its not complex to do but really a task of patience and good management of space and using of the layer. Additionally, we have to consider the feasibility of the unrolling surfaces which affect the numbers of joining modules. last but not list, adding tabs on the surfaces as preparation of fabrication 



At the beginning of the fabrication stage, I lay the unrolling surface on a4 paper on the ivory card. Tracing the edge of the tabs, I use sharp graver to maintain the accuracy at first, but then I swith to scissor which can save much more time on the cutting process. For the folding line on the surface, I used graver to trace, in this section itsreally important to control the power of your hand and wrist. It’s not mean to cut it separately but just sweep generally on the surface in order to create a kink mark on the surface which easily to fold later on. moreover, carefully pay attention to the knife can reduce injury during this part.


Cutting process and tools


Folding process

The folding section also provides a task of patience and perseverance, it’s not hard to process but hard to process it as a very high level of accuracy and perfection. I have to be very careful and very gently move my hand to fold the hard ivory card in order to create a straight and perfect edge of the pyramid and preserve it from damage. Then I used UHU and PVA glue to combine the tabs together to create a complete object which also consumes lots of time to wait the glue become dry and stable. 

After the fabrication of each module, the final step is to combine them together based on the order created in rhino6, I used foldback clips to stable those bonding tabs in order to wait for the glue become dry. I also used blow dryer to accelerate the process. In this section, you also need to be very careful and gently to stretching those tabs together based on the topography you create in the digital stage.


combining process


The final model result was quite fascinating and exciting, those edge and angle are just as beautiful as what expressed in the digital screen, but there exist more detail and information we can learn and observe in the real model due to the real light source and condition. therefore it’s really a good chance to consider what light and shadow effect and position we want to present in the photographs.

Overview of real model



屏幕快照 2019-05-07 下午6.22.55.png
屏幕快照 2019-05-07 下午6.23.39.png






Front view

After the long journey from the digital stage to a real model, it’s really worth to try more specifically on photography. 


The photography process required patience to find a perspective and light to enhance your idea of design, the using of picturing technics such as focusing, the zoom is also needed to achieve the final result. You have to consider the general view and interior elements which can show more magnificent visual impact. 

Top view



The sleepless nights tested my endurance. I wondered how one could dive right into the project without proper planning of time. What was planned to be 15mins for each component of the model turned out to be longer than I had expected? Failing to plan is planning fail. The saying is right. Had I made more mistakes in planning my time, I may not have finished my work at all. It was great that I was given the opportunity to improve my crafting skills. I never was good with handling sharp objects as I feared them over a small accident when I was young. Thankfully, I have gotten better at it growing up. 


Through this module, I could see that the second module had played a part in the third module, aiding me to think differently. I wondered about how my model would be perceived. A manipulation in form, a representation of what we have seen before, shapes that had been registered in our minds. It helped me find ways to represent and present my work to others. The manipulation of a single plain, transformed into patterns and surfaces. "What other transformations can we think of?" or rather "Can we go beyond the limits?". I might be going off topic, but this is my reflection from this exercise. I think about the transformation we have done in Architecture throughout history. Indeed history is necessary for us to know, so as to not repeat what history had already accomplished. It is crucial, that we think far into the future. Explore the unknown depths, experiment with every possibility. This exercise is all about exploration! Unfortunately, time was my limiting factor, and it goes for everyone else. It is no excuse, as I have seen others, they had achieved better results in the same given amount of time. There is no way one could improve if he only looks from the bottom of the well. Inspire others and be inspired is the way to go.

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